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18 December

Professor Will STEFFEN Climate Change 2019: Why we have a climate emergency

invité par le IBENS Green Committee

9h à 10h30

Le vidéo-séminaire du Professeur Will STEFFEN (Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University College of Science) aura lieu dans la salle Favard, IBENS 46 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris

The climate change narrative is changing rapidly. As evidence increases that the impacts and risks of climate change are with us now and are accelerating, the words “crisis” and “emergency” are often connected with climate change. This talk will describe why we indeed have a climate emergency – worsening extreme weather, the danger of climate tipping points, and the enormous and very rapid decarbonisation challenge required to deal with this emergency. We’ll also explore the longer-term Earth System perspective on the emergency, and why the ‘point of no return’ likely lies within the next decade.