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Régis Ferrière receives NSF "Dimensions of Diversity" 2018 award

Régis Ferrière (IBENS & UMI iGLOBES) and Jen Wisecaver (Purdue University) just received a NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity five-year award for their project “Eco-Evolutionary Drivers of Diversity in Toxic Algal Blooms”.
The research will generate large-scale ecological, genetic and phylogenetic data, both observational and experimental, and combine them with mathematical and computational models to decipher the structure and function of eco-evolutionary feedbacks in blooms of toxic algae, using the haptophyte Prymnesium parvum as a focal species.

The project also includes Will Driscoll (PSU), a former MemoLife LabEx postdoctoral fellow at IBENS (Chris Bowler’s lab) and ECOTRON IleDeFrance.