Dr Detlef WEIGEL Imperfect Plants In an Imperfect World
invité par Pierre BADUEL - Section Ecologie et Biologie de l’Evolution
Le séminaire du Dr Detlef WEIGEL (Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Allemagne) aura lieu dans la salle Favard, IBENS 46 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris
Summary : Detlef’s group is addressing fundamental questions in evolutionary biology, using both genome-first and phenotype-first approaches. A particular interest is in how organisms solve the problems associated with fluctuating selection pressures. He will discuss how their work has led to the discovery of new biology, and how their studies of genetic conflicts inform our knowledge of constraints in plant immunity. Detlef will emphasize that an understanding of what is relevant in the real world requires the integration of detecting footprints of past selection in genomes, performing lab experiments to gain insight into molecular mechanisms, and observing how plants behave in the field.
Additional information about our work can be found on their website http://weigelworld.org.