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7 février

Quentin LECLERC Revealing the invisible dynamics of bacteria : modelling microscopic interactions in the context of antimicrobial resistance

invité par Kévin JEAN - Section Ecologie et Biologie de l’Evolution


Le séminaire de Quentin LECLERC (CNAM) aura lieu dans la salle Favard, IBENS 46 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris

Antimicrobial resistance is undeniably a global public health threat. But how does it spread ? At the human level, we can sometimes observe transmission events where individuals acquire bacteria from someone else. However, there are multiple instances where we simply can’t find a good explanation for the origin of a resistant bacteria. To solve this mystery, we need to go one step further : at the bacterial level. In this seminar, I will present our work on the invisible dynamics of horizontal gene transfer in S. aureus bacterial populations, which dictate the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance at the human level. Through an interdisciplinary approach combining lab work and mathematical modelling, we explored the strange interactions between bacteria and their viral predators (bacteriophage), and the conditions under which these interactions can lead to evolution of antimicrobial resistance… or total bacterial eradication !