Arno SIRI-JEGOUSSE The TMRCA of populations with varying size
2024-2025 EEB external seminar
Le séminaire d’Arno SIRI-JEGOUSSE (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) aura lieu dans la salle Favard, IBENS 46 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris
We study the time to the most recent common ancestor of a sample of finite size in a wide class of genealogical models for populations with variable size. This is made possible by recently developed results on inhomogeneous phase-type random variables, allowing us to obtain the density function and the moments(expectation and variance) of the TMRCA of time-dependent coalescent processes in terms of matrix formulas.
A careful study of this mathematical theory with applications to classical statistics of population genetics, such as the TMRCA or the site frequency spectrum, will be provided. This may be useful to determine if the population under study suffered phenomena such as exponential growth, recurrent bottlenecks, skewed offspring or selection....